37 years of sales and technical expertise in IVD
Market leader in autoimmune diagnostics
Manufacturer & R&D-Instrument & Reagents
Pan-Asian medical device solutions network
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Jeev Diagnostics is a wholly owned subsidiary of Everlife CPC Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India, manufactures high quality state-of-the-art in-vitro clinical chemistry reagents to cater to clinical laboratories, hospitals and diagnostic centres.

Sachika, a first-of-its-kind initiative of CPC Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd, is a centre for learning life sciences. Sachika empowers clinicians by upgrading their skills in modern techniques of biosciences.

CPC manufacturing Unit
CPC’s manufacturing arm of diagnostic instruments, is working towards conferring higher levels of empowerment, reliability and innovation in the of field indigenous manufacturing.
In yet another pioneering venture, CPC created i-track, our home-grown design for remote maintenance of instruments.
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For the past ten years, we’ve been using ichem 100 and identi chemical. We are able to provide accurate results by achieving proper internal and external QC values. Reagent stability is also excellent. The itrack service offered by cpc diagnostics is quite useful in finding and resolving any QC-related issues quickly.
Thanks to CPC Diagnostics for all of the information, installation, and training on the Labtype HLA A, B, and DRB1 SSO Typing assay methods. The detailed explanations to the data analysis part using One Lambda software is very appreciable. We could gain good clarity on the most crucial aspects of these assays. We are happy with all the services and training provided by you.
How To Ensure Effective Result In Haematology Analyzers?
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Basics of 3 part Hematology Analyzer – Every Laboratarians should know
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The urinary excretion of albumin greater than or equal to 30mg/day is defined as Microalbuminuria. In a healthy...